Articles relative to data analyses

Formation Métagénomique 16S March 2019 - Ravel dataset analysis

Analysis of the Ravel et al. (2011) dataset with R. This vignette documents and reproduces the analyses performed with FROGSSTATS during the training *Analyse de données métagénomiques 16S* that took place on March 2019

Formation Métagnénomique 16S March 2019 - Chaillou dataset analysis

Analysis of the Chaillou et al. (2015) dataset with R. This vignette documents and reproduces the analyses performed with FROGSSTATS during the training *Analyse de données métagénomiques 16S* that took place on March 2019

Utiliser SGE depuis R

Utiliser future.batchtools pour faire communiquer R et SGE directement depuis R.

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Articles relative to data analyses